tina is a german creative who had been living in paris and working as an architect and designer for 15 years.

missing the manual aspect in her creative work, she got interested in pottery and started making ceramics in paris.

working on a smaller scale allows her to create and accomplish objects herself.

after moving to kyoto in japan in 2018,  she entirely dedicated herself to pottery.

living close to nature profoundly inspired her and influenced her work.

kyoto's rich culture and nature, its hundreds of temples and gardens are an endless inspiration that expresses in the forms, textures and colours of her work.

back in paris in 2021, she started her ceramic workshop and since is working on ceramic collections of tableware and ceramic art pieces.

the use of different clay colours and textures and the use of a range of natural white glazes characterise her work.

various collaborations with restaurants in 2021 allowed her to get deeper insight into the kitchens of the new avantgarde of young and creative chefs and their needs. 

freshly settled in milan, italy, tina just recently opened her new ceramic workshop.







Please also read her interview here:: https://note.com/monito/n/nbc11d51e88c0

instagram tinakentner

contact: tkentner@web.de